Original Oil Paintings by Artist Suzanne Poursine Massion - "Burning the Fen"

"Burning the fen"

Item #L1365
Suzanne Poursine Massion

I want your new artwork to add to the beauty of the space it will occupy. For this reason, buy this painting with the confidence that you can return it in 7 days.

Please remember, colors will vary due to individual computer monitors.

Impressionism, what is it? It is a way of seeing what natural light does to local color. Is the light cold or warm? Are the shadows cold or warm? In my view, the temperature of the light is opposite the temperature of the cast shadows. Simply put, everything stems from the light.

Burning the Fen Framed Setting
A possible installation.
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"Flames are roaring across the land. I've said painting water is challenging. Painting fire is like painting wind and trying to catch a ghost, a hot blinding ghost. Controlled burns are part of open space restoration but there's always a risk. The wind can change."

Suzanne Poursine Massion
Burning the Fen
Oil on medium texture artist canvas.
Painting size: 6"H x 8"L
Burning the Fen Matted
This painting is unframed but matted to an 11H” x 14"L size.
It has a single 100% cotton rag mat with an acid free backing.
Burning the Fen Framed
A possible framing.