Original Oil Paintings by Artist Suzanne Poursine Massion - "Staghorn Meadow"

"Staghorn Meadow"

Item #L1711
Suzanne Poursine Massion
Staghorn Meadow Framed Setting
A possible frame and installation.
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“At the edge of an old oak savannah, I find a crop of Staghorn Sumac. It's just turned to crimson and burgundy. Some of it has gradually crept into a field of Tall Goldenrod. How perfect the mixture of reds and warm yellows. A good day for painting on site."

Suzanne Poursine Massion
Staghorn Meadow
Oil on medium texture artist canvas.
Painting size: 6"H x 8"L
Staghorn Meadow Matted
Shown in a possible frame.
This painting is unframed but matted to an 11"H x 14"L size.
It comes with a double mat and backing as shown.