Original Ink Pen and Colored Pencil Drawing by Artist Suzanne Poursine Massion - "Starry Night Over Wheaton College And Courthouse"

"Starry Night Over
Wheaton College And Courthouse"

Item #P1985
Suzanne Poursine Massion
Starry Night Over Wheaton College And Courthouse Setting
A possible installation.
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"Starry starry night, paint your palette blue and gray, look out on a summer's day.... Shadows on the hills, sketch the trees and the daffodils...."

A little bit of Don McLean's beautiful song, "Vincent" and some inspiration from Mr. Van Gogh himself.

Suzanne Poursine Massion
Ink Pen and Colored Pencil drawing 'Starry Night Over Wheaton College And Courthouse'
Ink Pen and colored pencil:
Drawing Size: 6 1/2"H x 8"L
Starry Night Over Wheaton College And Courthouse Framed
Matted and Framed as shown.
Framed size: 11 3/4"H x 13 3/4"L