Original Oil Paintings by Artist Suzanne Poursine Massion - "The Sunflower Table"

"The Sunflower Table"

Item #S0973
Suzanne Poursine Massion

I want your new artwork to add to the beauty of the space it will occupy. For this reason, buy this painting with the confidence that you can return it in 7 days.

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The Sunflower Table Framed
A possible installation.
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"Ever since Mr. Van Gogh, no artist can resist painting sunflowers. We're always trying to best the master. This is a small oil for a small quiet space. Using quick brush strokes to keep the effect fresh, I put yellow and purple together to startle the eye a bit."

Suzanne Poursine Massion
The Sunflower Table
Oil on medium texture artist canvas.
Painting size: 6"H x 8"L
The Sunflower Table Framed
Shown in a possible frame.
This painting is unframed but matted to an 11"H x 14"L size.
It has a single 100% cotton rag mat with an acid free backing.